The material that erodes to make soil originally determines pH. If it contained more acidic materials, such as granite, the soil created from them will turn out more acidic. It works the same way for alkaline materials such as limestone, if this is a dominant feature in the origin of the soil it will be higher in alkaline. Over time, though, the texture of the soil determines how it is affected by rain.
Soil pH largely determines whether a plant can survive. Most plants thrive in slightly acidic to slightly alkaline soils, where they can access the most nutrients, but some plants have become adaptable to more extreme pH levels. For example, blueberries, depending on the variety, prefer very acidic soils with a pH between 4.5 and 5.2. With the proper PH levels, you can maximize your infiltration performances.
Rainfall amounts can, in most cases, affect soil acidity. High acidity from rainfall does not happen in one growing season but instead over hundreds of years of high rainfall amounts. Rain can change the pH more quickly in the sand, partially because sand does not bind basic/alkaline elements very well, but also because water drains quickly through sand. This allows more water to flow through the soil particles, taking alkaline elements along with it. In clay soils with poor drainage, less water flows through, putting fewer alkaline elements in danger of leaching.
So, you can see that keeping your soil at the proper pH is a priority in producing good crops. And that rainfall affects the pH. That is why it is important to have proper drainage. Which is why Richland Micro-Drainage is an important partner to have. We have the knowledge and the experience with proper draining technology to help yield the best crops possible.